Bellaire High School Class of 1973
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Bellaire High School Class of 1973 - Class Museum
Pictures in Gallery: 24
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Who wouldn't have school spirit with guys like these around.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2027

Not all the young ladies wore jeans and pullovers, at least not the first couple years of high school.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2014

We didn't have home computers in our day, the one that were around would have taken up too much of the house.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 1994

Principal Harlan Andrews was there when BHS began, he died our first year there.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2036

We saw our first snow in Houston when we were in kindergarten.  We didn't see it again until we were seniors.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2023

The fashions of the early 70s included a lot of plaid.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 1969

BHS became 'laid back' during our stay, including the dress code.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 1990

It was the day of the mustache, sideburns, and beards.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2021

Lovely long locks wasn't just for girls anymore.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2052

Our technology seems rather primitive now.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2006

Somethings we carried from grade school on into high school.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2012

How many of us made the transition from Jr. High glasses to High School contacts?
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2016

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