Bellaire High School Class of 1973
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Bellaire High School Class of 1973 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 102
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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older, no wiser!
Posted By: robert neese
Views: 339

Winter 2021
Posted By: Kathy Hanlon
Views: 1010

Still a hippie chick.
Posted By: Kathy Hanlon
Views: 1033

Bobby & Young Neese
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 1890

Colonel Charlie's Cruise Crew, aka the '73 Bellaire Cardinal Swim Team, their wives and friends got together and did a bareboat charter on a catemaran in the BVI.  Left to right..Brenda Llewel...
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1926

Adrift in the Caribbean, off the boat.
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1947

Roxanne and Pieter in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1904

Murton andhis wife Brenda on the bridge of the boat underway in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1911

Mark Denson enjoying the water off the boat
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1970

Nancy and Tim, dinner ashore
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1956

Pat Coulson and his catch of the day
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1973

Roxie, Pieter and Mark having dinner ashore
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1938

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