Bellaire High School Class of 1973
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Bellaire High School Class of 1973 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 102
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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Roxanne snorkeling off the boat
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1983

Roxanne Witherspoon on the boat in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1974

Tim Carter snorkeling off the boat
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1894

The power cat we chartered in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1314

Pat Coulson on the boat underway in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1338

On the bow of the boat at sunset in the BVI...from left to right....back row...Pat Coulson, Cindy Tow (Pat's SIL), Aven Coulson, Pieter Velzeboer.....front row Brenda Llewellyn, Murton Llewellyn, T...
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1367

Mark Denson on a bareboat charter in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1352

Roxanne Witherspoon and Nancy Carter (Marter), the top two Belles in 1973, now on a charter in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1347

Tim and Nancy (nee Marter) Carter on the boat in the BVI
Posted By: Pieter Velzeboer
Views: 1370

Here is a picture of Jim and I at my daughter Lindsay's wedding in Austin Texas.  Summer of 2010.  Joel
Posted By: Joel Jim Ward
Views: 1385

Summer of 2010
Posted By: Joel Ward
Views: 1380

Music Director of Magnet High School in Aldine ISD. Still rockin on the guitar and piano.
Posted By: michael mccullough
Views: 1337

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